Any mom would agree, kids give so much joy, sometimes headache :), but above all fulfillment and purpose. Being a mom myself and a photographer wannabe, I have this habit of capturing kids in my Hobhie(camera). In fact, if I would be asked what subject I prefer to shoot, it would definitely be kids first (street and its people next, then products-stuff,shoes,food third). Maybe it's because kids' expressions are raw, refreshing, innocent and sooo real.
See what I meant yet? The parents of these kids would get through the worst of days knowing they will come home to spend time with them.
And it's funny that the idiosyncrasies our kids have which we complain about are actually ours. Like how annoyed we get when they roll their eyes on us or how hyper they can become. These are the same complaints our parents have when we were young. (true or not?)
Even the strongest, self assured moms get emotional when it's their kids they talk about. I remember watching Ombudsman Conchita Morales in ANC who's impervious to most malicious of accusations, but the tough demeanor changed to vulnerability when she was asked about her children. She got teary-eyed remembering those times she had to work far from the kids while they were growing up.
When these kids get sick, we get so terrified that even a mom doctor would choose to be a mom and rush the tot to the doctor. You see, they have the greatest effect on us.
Their smiles and laughter simply melt our miseries away
LUCKY and BLESSED me for having a beautiful and smart KID who made me experience all this. At her "young-ness," she has braved the tests of life with me.
Friends know that talking about her would draw the very cheesyness of me to the bits, like now I know. Because what we have truly is beyond the bond of blood but really the bond of love from all the trials we went through. I actually have a song for her,,, WHEN I SEE YOU SMILE (i can face the world,,, you know I can do anything) - singing it now.
This post is for my kid, Breyn(bre-yan) Felice Abeni, my FIBEE.
Her teenage years would probably deserve another post with totally different sentiments :) aaaaaaaarrrgh,,,,,teenage years!!!! and I have yet to prepare for that. I am just glad, she's just a kid righ now :)
I love you so much Ibeyb. Mom is so proud of you. You are one strong girl. <3